Personal Style and Image Classes

Cost – £150.00

Enquire today – 07790 058884

Can’t decide if the current fashion trends suit you?

Not sure what to wear? Struggling to find the right outfit that makes you feel stylish? Then this is the course for you.

Knowing and understanding your colours is only part of looking good! As we say, it is not what you wear it is how you wear it! This course looks at what clothes you should wear to suit your body shape, proportions and personality.

It looks at the theory of style and what that means to you. It’s my colour’s style and image consultants will work with you to tailor a style that suits both you and your lifestyle; help you to define your look and offer you style advice. We cover body shape, body proportions, personality, lifestyle, personal investment, perception and many other areas relating to your personal image.

This is an interactive day where it is of benefit to be with other clients, family or friends as you will learn, understand and visualise what works for one person does not necessarily work for the next.

It is a good fun day where you will work through a workbook and will leave with a good understanding of what style means to you and how to implement it.

Book a style consulation today or Gift the Expertise of a Personal Stylist


  • A fab fun day with lots of learning – there will be lots of “ahh ha” moments!

  • We start off with how you currently dress and why.

  • Then we look at your personality, how it is expressed through your outfits, whilst working with your body shape to understand what suits you.

  • Lots of hints and tips as we go throughout the day.

  • Great in a group session as is very interactive day (2-6 people)

  • You get your own workbook to keep for future reference.

What people say …

